Hello folks! As you know that I am currently working on revamping my existing iOS app for Dota2 stats to a newer and better platform, I keep on finding new issues with Flex on iOS and tend to resolve them in the process.
This is another interesting issue where a Flex standard spark list control with a slightly lager image in the list have a flicker issue when we first scroll it. I spend some time checking what is the issue and finally figured that the scroll is causing to refresh the dataprovider which could be fixed if we use older version of the control.
I prefer below.
Instead of using a list, use a DataGroup under a Scroller component with a custom item renderer. Below is a sample organization.
<s:Scroller width=”100%” height=”100%”>
<s:DataGroup id=”g1″ width=”100%” height=”100%”
<s:VerticalLayout gap=”1″ useVirtualLayout=”false”/>
This will resolve the flicker issue. Hope this can help someone.